Personalised Learning Profile Workshop
Most of the Schools expect students to learn in a certain way, and those who do not fit, this group are often viewed as "not clever"
When a child is unable to understand the learning, it is not the child's fault, they just need to learn differently than others.
All individuals are different, give them their learning needs for integrated and fun learning by knowing their dominant learning profile!
What is Personalised Learning Profile?
- The key factor shaping the way your child thinks and acts.
- Knowing your child's profile will help you to understand their response, thinking, and learning style.
- Understand the way that suits them best and perform at their highest level.
Benefits of Personalised
Learning Profile?
- What activity for optimum understanding, interest, and participation
- You will feel happy when you do the right activity for your body
- How to overcome stress, tantrums, or meltdown
- You can understand more about a person personally (self, spouse, child, parent, siblings, friend, ANYONE)
- Knowing the wrong activities/method when learning
Personalised Learning
Profile Online Workshops
1. Brain Dominance
Duration: Less than 1 hour
Price : RM 50
What you will learn :
a. The theory about brain dominant
b. How to assess for dominant brain ONLY
2. Whole Body Dominance
Duration: Lest than 2 hours
Price : RM 300 (Promo : RM 150)
What you will learn :
a. The theory about brain dominant
b. How to assess for dominant brain, eyes, ears, hands, and legs
3. Personalised Profile Theory Note
Price per note (one profile): RM 100 (Promo: RM 50)
What you will know from this note:
- Where they should sit in class
- Style of learning
- Style of thinking
- What activity to do for their interest
- How to introduce new learnings/ topic
- Activities to help them enjoy & stress relief
*Must attend training for whole body dominance in order to understand this note*